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Committee for Drafting Tanzania Vision 2050 Revealed

Members of the committee include 8 women and 14 men, 40 percent of them are academicians serving various universities in the country. Other sector covered include civil society, private sector and government

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Government through the Minister of State, President’s Office, Planning and Investment, Professor Kitila Mkumbo has revealed the names of 22 member of the committee designated for coordinating the drafting of the Tanzania vision 2050.

Speaking about the expectation toward the process, Professor Kitila Mkumbo said that government expectation is to build a national concession on the direction of the country through a participatory vision drafting process.

Members of the committee include 8 women and 14 men, 40 percent of them are academicians serving various universities in the country. Other sector covered include civil society, private sector and government. The main role of the committee is to coordinate, collect and analyze public views on vision 2050.

Members of the committee includes Prof. Lucian Ambrose (lead), Emeritus Professors at the University of Dar es Salaam; Prof. Joseph J. Semboja former executive director of  REPOA and Uongozi Institute;  Dr. Asha Rose Migiro a diplomat who served as Deputy Secretary General of the United Nation; Dr. Florence M. Turuka senior lecturer at the Sokoine University and former permanent secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture; Dr. Amina Suleman Msengwa, senior lecture specializing on statistics from the University of Dar es Salaam; Aidan Frederick Eyakuze, Executive Director of Twaweza East Africa.

Other members of the committee include Dr. Yahya Hamad Sheikh, senior lecturer at the State University of Zanzibar-SUZA specializing in Information technologies. Dr Maryam Vuai an economist at the Zanzibar Research for Socio-Economic and Policy Analysis (ZRCP); Abdul Rajabu Mhinte, official from the President’s Office; Emmy Kalomba Hudson, Principal State Attorney; Dr. Ntuli Angyelile Kapologwe, Director Of Preventive Services, Ministry of Health.

Others are Godfrey Kirenga Chief Executive Officer of SAGCOT Centre Ltd; Eng. Ally Bondo Samaje, Assistant Commissioner Ministry of Minerals; Dr.Richard Joseph Kimwaga senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam specializing in water resources engineering; Dkt. Richard Shukia, senior lecturer at the Univeristy of Dar es Salaam and an expert in early childhood education; Dr. Gladness Ladislaus Salema, a public health logistician serving as a senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam.

Others are Imani Richard Nkuwi, Assistant Conservation Commissioner tasked with research and training at the Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources; Amne Sued Kagasheki lawyer and investment advisor Shikana group; Zahoro Muhaji, Chief Executive Officer at Tanzania Startup Association(TSA).

Neema Mduma, lecturer at the School of Computational and Communication Sciences and Engineering (CoCSE) at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology- NM-A-IST; Dorice Mgetta, Member Board Of Directors Tanzania Trade Authority; and Lawrence N. Mafuru who serves as the Executive Secretary of the Planning Commission.

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2 responses

  1. To Executive Secretary
    Mr. Lawrence N. Mafuru
    Lead, Committe for Drafting Tanzania Vision 2050
    Prof. Lucian Ambrose-Msambichaka
    Kindly Advice how I can make a presentation PP Presentation Discussion [Q&A] to your esteemed Committee and Others . Topic. Missed Opportunities in Tanzania Vision(s) Using Demographic Tools since Independence [1961].

  2. Vision 2050 does not consider the prevalence and continued scourge of witchcraft beliefs and practices and violence against people (especially the elderly) which has persisted and even intensified since the 1970s and during the TDV 2025

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