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Anxiety Ahead of Planned Opposition Anti-Abduction Demonstration on Monday

Mbowe urges opposition members to move forward in their peaceful demonstrations regardless of his fate

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The streets of Dar es Salaam have seen a massive police presence over the weekend. It’s hard to pass even a few vehicles on the road without encountering police trucks filled with heavily armed officers. This heightened security comes in the wake of a planned anti-abduction demonstration, set for Monday, September 23, 2024, led by opposition party CHADEMA.

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, CHADEMA leader Freeman Mbowe confirmed that the demonstration would proceed, as none of the party’s demands had been met by the government. These demands include the release of abducted party leaders and accountability from the police and state officials.

READ MORE: Mbowe Warns of Mass Protests if Abducted CHADEMA Members Are Not Returned, Calls for Scotland Yard to Investigate Abductions and Killings in Tanzania

“As per the law, my fellow citizens, we wrote a letter to the police informing them of our intention to hold a peaceful demonstration and mourning on September 23. However, the police have continued to issue illegal bans instead of providing security for these protests,” Mbowe said, speaking via X space from an undisclosed location.

Mbowe explained that the decision to move forward with the protest was due to the government’s lack of response and what he described as ‘harsh and judgmental rhetoric’ from the President regarding their pleas against abductions in the country.

The opposition leader also announced two protest routes, which will both begin at 9 a.m. The first route will start at Ilala Boma, and the second at Magomeni Mapipa, with both concluding at Mnazi Mmoja grounds.

“Let it be remembered that our protest is for mourning and peace. We are not preparing to fight anyone, nor are we carrying any weapons to harm or injure anyone,” Mbowe emphasized.

He continued, “We do not condone any violation of the law, nor do we intend to disrupt the peace of our country, as some government leaders are trying to suggest. We are marching to raise our voices and show our grief over these issues. What happens to me today could happen to you tomorrow or someone else the day after.”

Meanwhile, Dar es Salaam Special Zones Police Commander Jumanne Muliro, speaking to ITV on Sunday, reiterated that the demonstration had been banned.

“The police force’s position is clear: these demonstrations are banned as they are against the law, particularly due to certain statements made by senior CHADEMA leaders, which suggest a potential disruption of peace,” Muliro said.

He warned: “We are very serious about this. If anyone defies this order, we will take strict legal action to prevent and deal firmly with those involved in the demonstration, as per the law.”

In the days leading up to the protest, the police have demonstrated their readiness by deploying anti-riot forces across several regions, which prompted an emotional plea from Mbowe in his address.

“We are making this decision fully aware of the armaments seen in Dar es Salaam, the police dogs being deployed, many anti-riot vehicles, and the officers armed with live bullets. We have accepted this reality, and if those in power wish to eliminate some of us, they can. But let those who remain continue to cry for our country,” Mbowe said.

He added: “If you hear that Mbowe has been arrested, do not turn back. If you hear that Mbowe has been jailed or shot, do not retreat. You should continue moving forward and pray for my soul to rest in peace, along with all the others who will suffer in this cause.”

Several activists have taken to social media to urge the police to avoid the use of force or violations of the rights of peaceful protesters. Opposition party ACT Wazalendo has also issued a statement, calling on CHADEMA to cancel the demonstration and seek alternative solutions.

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