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The Chanzo Morning Briefing – November 15, 2021.

In our briefing today: BoT: No bank will have one CEO for 10 years consecutively; Irene Isaka, who was fired by Magufuli in 2018, has been appointed as new PPRA boss; Twenty-nine-year-old headmaster arrested for marrying sixteen-year-old student; Over 6000 children faced abuse in Tanzania between Jan and Sep this year.  

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Dar es Salaam. Good morning! The Chanzo is here with a rundown of major news stories reported in Tanzania over the weekend.

BoT: No bank will have one CEO for 10 years consecutively

A board member or a chief executive officer of a bank or financial institution in Tanzania shall not hold office for a consecutive period of more than ten years.

This is according to the new regulations that the Bank of Tanzania (BoT), the country’s central bank, announced this week.

Named ‘Banking and Financial Institutions (Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2021’ the regulations are said to be aiming at promoting and maintaining public confidence in banks and financial institutions.

They also seek to provide guidance to directors for the proper discharge of their responsibilities.

“A Board member or a Chief Executive Officer of a bank or financial institution shall not hold office for a consecutive period of more than ten years,” reads section 12(1) of the regulations.

Where a bank or financial institution is a product of a merger, acquisition, takeover or any other form of combination, the regulations clarify, the period of ten years referred to shall include the pre and post combination years of a Board member or Chief Executive Officer.

“A person who has served as  Board  member  or  Chief Executive Officer of a bank or financial institution  for a consecutive period of ten years,” emphasizes the regulations, “shall not qualify for appointment in his former bank or financial institution, or its subsidiaries in any capacity until after a period of three  years.”

Irene Isaka, who was fired by Magufuli in 2018, has been appointed as new PPRA boss

President Samia Suluhu Hassan on Saturday appointed Ms Irene Charles Isaka as the new director-general of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), a government agency that oversees public procurement activities in Tanzania Mainland.

Ms Isaka served as the director for the Social Security Regulatory Authority (SSRA) under the late President John Magufuli but was fired in December 2018 amidst public clamour against a new formula to regulate retirees’ lump sum and monthly pension.

According to a statement released by the Director of Presidential Communications Mr Jaffar Haniu over the weekend, by the time of appointment, Ms Isaka was serving as the Executive Secretary for the Arusha-headquartered East and Central Africa Social Security Association (ECASSA).

She was among several other individuals that President Samia appointed on Saturday to fill vacant positions at the various government agencies.

These include Dr Florence Turuka who has been appointed to chair the Tanzania Fertilizer Company (TFC) Board. Dr Turuka used to serve as a senior lecturer at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in  Morogoro.

President Samia also appointed Professor Sylvia Temu to chair the National Board of Accounting and Auditing (NBAA). Before the appointment, Prof Temu was a retired Director of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

The Head of State appointed Prof Ahmed Mohamed Ame to chair the Board of the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC). Prof Ame served as a lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) before the appointment.

She appointed Dr Mwamini Tuli, a senior lecturer at the Institute of Financial Management (IFM), to chair the Board of Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA).

President Samia appointed Mr Jacob Kibona, former acting director of the Government Procurement Services Agency (GPSA), as the chairman of the Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB).

She also appointed Dr Tumaini Katunzi as the Principle of the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) while Mr Godfrey Mbanyi has been named as the Executive Director of Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB). 

Twenty-nine-year-old headmaster arrested for marrying sixteen-year-old student

Police in Rukwa, a southwestern region of Tanzania, are holding Itete Primary School headteacher twenty-nine-year-old Clarence Mwanakulya for allegedly marrying a sixteen-year-old girl, the region’s police commander William Mwampaghale said during a press conference over the weekend.

Mwampaghale said that the mother of the married girl has also been arrested for allegedly allowing her daughter to get married to the headmaster. According to Mwampaghale, the victim of early marriage has excelled and she is waiting to join Form One in January next year.

Police alleged that the teen girl and her school head were living together as wife and husband at the school premises. Mwampaghale said the headmaster has been arrested for interrogation and will be arraigned in court as soon as the investigation into the matter is complete.

Itete Primary School is located at Kirando ward along the shoreline of Lake Tanganyika in Nkasi District, Rukwa region.

During the press conference, Mwampaghale also said that police in the region have apprehended a Form Two student aged 17 years old for allegedly impregnating a standard five pupil aged 14 years old.

The suspect was arrested on Friday at Kirando Ward in Nkasi District, Mwampaghale said.

Over 6000 children faced abuse in Tanzania between Jan and Sep this year

Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Mr Khamis Chilo told the Parliament on Friday that a total of 6,168 children in Tanzania faced various forms of abuse between January and September this year of 2021. 

Mr Chiko was responding to a question by Special Seats MP Ms Esther Matiko who wanted to know the number of children who are victims of violence in Tanzania during the said period.

In his response, Mr Chilo said that out of the 6,168 children abused, 5,287 were women and 881 were men adding that 3,524 were raped and 637 were sodomised.

Mr Chiko said about 3,800 suspects have been arrested and 2,368 cases are underway in various courts across the country while 88 have been given judgment.

This is it for today and we hope you enjoyed our briefing. Please consider subscribing to our newsletter (see below) or following us on Twitter (here) as that is the best way to make sure you do not miss any of these briefings.  And in case you have any questions or comments, please consider dropping a word to our editors at

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