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Tanzania Local Government Voter Registration Reaches 45% In Four Days

The regions leading in registration include Tanga (which stands at 54%), Ruvuma, Njombe, and Iringa

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The Minister of the President’s Office for Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Mohamed Mchengerwa, announced that local government voter registration has reached 45 percent of the eligible population since the exercise began on October 11, 2024.

“As of the evening of October 14, 2024, four days into this registration exercise, we have registered nearly 45% across all 26 regions. This is a great achievement, and I commend Tanzanians for their participation,” Mchengerwa told the press on October 15, 2024.

The regions leading in registration include Tanga (which stands at 54%), Ruvuma, Njombe, and Iringa. However, regions performing below the average include Katavi, Kilimanjaro, Geita, Kigoma, and Manyara.

Some highly populated regions that are still performing below the expected 40% threshold are Dar es Salaam (35.3%), Mwanza (34.2%), Morogoro (37.9%), Dodoma (38.5%), Tabora (27.7%), and Kagera (34.8%).

Mchengerwa urged eligible voters to register without delay, cautioning against last-minute rushes.

“More than 55% of the eligible population has yet to register. I encourage everyone to do so now to avoid any confusion once the list is posted,” Mchengerwa said.

The registration period is scheduled to close on October 20, 2024, after which the full list of registered voters will be posted at local voting centers.

Digital Freedom and Innovation Day
The Chanzo is hosting Digital Freedom and Innovation Day on Saturday April 20, 2024 at Makumbusho ya Taifa.

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