President Samia’s Honeymoon is Over, But Has the Demand for Change Just Began?
If President Samia fails to deliver on improving the economy and frustration grows in the country, the opposition will be looking to use that to its advantage.
If President Samia fails to deliver on improving the economy and frustration grows in the country, the opposition will be looking to use that to its advantage.
From the Tanzanian perspective, Mr Yi’s visit to the East African nation seemed to have two main goals: normalisation of the relations between Tanzania and China and showing China’s readiness to take part in the former’s industrialisation drive.
Tofauti na Ethiopia ya Abiy, Zanzibar ni sehemu ya Tanzania. Ni kiasi gani Mwinyi ‘ataruhusiwa’ kuwashughulikia wahafidhina wa tabaka la watawala wa Zanzibar bila kuingiliwa na mamlaka za Jamhuri ya Muungano?
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