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Search Results for: ACT-Wazalendo – Page 21

The Chanzo Morning Briefing – March 5, 2022. 

In our briefing today: 

New Chapter: President Samia Meet Freeman Mbowe; Mbowe finally becomes free man after spending 226 days in prison; Milestones registered at TCD that make Zitto proud; US sanctions Tanzanian for funding Mozambique insurgents; Russia agrees to Tanzanian students in Ukraine to use its border; Construction of Tanzania’s commercial complex in Kenya should start, VP orders.

Milestones Registered at TCD that Make Zitto Proud

He says at the heart of TCD’s activities is the unshakable commitment to creating a conducive environment for doing politics in Tanzania as well as ensuring that economic developments do not come at the expense of people’s fundamental rights.

The Chanzo Morning Briefing – February 26, 2022. 

In our briefing today: Mohamed bin Zayed lauds TZ’s condemnation of Houthi attacks on UAE; Govt, opposition parties react to Russia/Ukraine crisis; Over 200K of pits have been dug in TZ as part of an initiative to combat desertification; Six killed by flooding rivers, dams within two months in northern Tanzania.  

Wanasiasa, Wanaharakati Wataka Masheha Wapigiwe Kura Zanzibar

Kumekuwapo na tuhuma kwamba katika utekelezaji wa majukumu yao Masheha wamekuwa wakikipendelea chama cha CCM na wakila njama za kuvidumaza vyama vya upinzani. Tuhuma hizi huibuka zaidi wakati wa michakato ya chaguzi kuu kuanzia utoaji wa kadi za Mzanzibari Mkaazi na usajili wa daftari la wapiga kura.

The Chanzo Morning Briefing – February 11, 2022.

In our briefing today: Relief as Tanzania lifts a ban previously imposed on four newspapers; Senior UN civil servant Mwele Malecela dies aged 58; TPSF boss steps down after a year in the job; Tanzania orders ships from Kenyan military firm; Minister explains strategies to reduce drug shortages in hospitals.