Nani atakuwa muathirika nambari moja endapo kama chama cha upinzani cha ACT-Wazalendo kitatimiza dhamira yake ya kujitoa kwenye Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa (SUK) visiwani humo? Haijalishi utakuja na jibu gani, lakini sitegemei kukuona ukisema ni Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM).
Sikiliza, CCM, kama chama, haikuwahi kutaka, au kutamani, uwepo wa SUK visiwani Zanzibar. Kama isingekuwa kwa msukumo binafsi wa Rais wa awamu ya sita wa Zanzibar, Amani Abeid Karume, na Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad, kwa upande mwingine, SUK isingekuwepo Zanzibar.
Kimsingi, baadhi ya viongozi waandamizi wa CCM walikuwa wakiwahimiza wafuasi wao wapige kura ya HAPANA kwenye kura ya maamuzi, au kura ya maoni kama wengine wanavyoiita, iliyofanyika Julai 31, 2010.
Na kwa kiwango fulani walifanikiwa. Nani angetemea kwamba wazo kama hili lililokusudiwa kuwatoa Wazanzibari kwenye siasa za chuki na uhasama liungwe mkono kwa asilimia 66? Ungetarajia watu wengi zaidi, angalau asilimia 80, waunge mkono jambo hilo. Lakini hilo halikutokea kwa sababu CCM hawaitaki SUK.
Hii yote inamaanisha kwamba ni kupoteza muda kutaka kuishawishi CCM ione umuhimu na mantiki ya SUK. Hiyo ingekuwa na maana tu kama CCM iliwahi kuwa na huo mtazamo. CCM, kama chama, haijawahi kuwa na imani hiyo, msingi wa kuamini kama ukitishia kujitoa itawauma CCM ni nini?
SOMA ZAIDI: Kwa Nini Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa Zanzibar Imefeli?
Chama cha Wananchi (CUF), ambacho nafasi yake kwa sasa huko Zanzibar imechukuliwa na ACT-Wazalendo, kiliwahi kususia kujiunga na SUK huko nyuma, 2015 mpaka 2020, baada ya kulalamikia dhuluma kwenye uchaguzi. Nini kinaweza kutujulisha kwamba CCM iliumizwa na uamuzi huo? Hakipo.
Kwa hiyo, haya makeke ya ACT-Wazalendo kutishia kujitoa kwenye SUK, kwa maoni yangu, ni matumizi mabaya ya nguvu kazi na nguvu akili pia. CCM wataumia ACT-Wazalendo ikiwemo kwenye Serikali, siyo ikiwepo nje. Je, wana-ACT-Wazalendo wanataka kutuambia kwamba wako tayari kuifurahisha CCM badala ya kuikirihisha?
SUK ni takwa la kikatiba lililotokana na uamuzi wa Wazanzibari walio wengi. Kutaka kujitoa SUK siyo tu kunaashiria utayari wa kwenda kinyume na misingi ya kidemokrasia bali pia ile ya kikatiba. Sidhani kama ACT-Wazalendo, chama kinachojinasibu ni cha demokrasia, kinaweza kuwa tayari kuwa katika upande huo wa historia.
ACT-Wazalendo wanapaswa kuwa mbele kuitetea na kuipigania SUK kama utashi wa Wazanzibari kujitawala wenyewe kwa vigezo walivyovianisha wenyewe. ACT-Wazalendo wanapaswa kuijulisha CCM kwamba haijalishi ni vituko gani itafanya, itabaki kwenye SUK na itaendelea kuipigania.
Chukua mfano huu, utanisamehe kama hauendani sana. Wewe na mwenzako wote mpo kwenye nyumba moja yenye vyumba kumi. Mwenzako anatumia vyumba nane akikuacha wewe na vyumba viwili tu, huku akikunyima kutumia nafasi za pamoja kama vile sebule.
SOMA ZAIDI: Je, Matakwa ya Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa Zanzibar Yanakinzana na Yale ya Demokrasia ya Vyama Vingi?
Katika mazingira kama hayo, nini utakuwa uamuzi wa busara? Utoke umuachie vyumba vyote au uendelee kupambana ukiwa ndani ili na wewe uongeze vyumba angalau vitatu na uweze kutumia sebule hata kwa masaa machache? Kutoka SUK ni kutoka ndani ya nyumba na hakuihakikishii ACT-Wazalendo matokeo yoyote mazuri.
Waathirika wakubwa
Kama siyo CCM watakaoathiriwa na uamuzi wa ACT-Wazalendo kujitoa kwenye SUK, nani watadhurika na uamuzi huo? Wazanzibari wenyewe. Siasa za chuki na uhasama, ambazo ndizo zimekuwa zikiitambulisha Zanzibar kwa miongo mingi, zitarudi tena kwa kasi, zikiambatana na fujo na matendo mengine yasiyokubalika katika jamii.
Tunafahamu kwamba Wazanzibari ambao hawewezi kuthibitisha uanachama wao kwa CCM hawapati kazi za Serikali Zanzibar. Ingawaje hili bado ni tatizo kubwa kwa vijana wa Kizanzibari, uwepo wa SUK umesaidia kulipunguza kwa kiwango fulani. Kuvunjika kwa SUK ni kulikuza tatizo hili na watakaoathirika si vijana wa CCM.
Hii yote inanileta kwenye hoja yangu ya msingi, kwamba viongozi wa ACT-Wazalendo wanakubali kuendeshwa na hasira na jazba kwenye kutangaza nia yao ya kutaka kujitoa kwenye SUK badala ya kufanya tafakuri pana na tunduizi juu ya faida na hasara watakazopata kwa kuchukua uamuzi huo.
Na haijalishi kama uamuzi huu utaamuliwa na viongozi au wanachama wa ACT-Wazalendo kupitia vikao vyao na taratibu zao za kidemokrasia. Wanachama wanaweza kuamua kulingana na msimamo na matamko wanayoyasikia kutoka kwa viongozi wao yanayotuma ujumbe kwamba uamuzi wa busara ni kutoka SUK.
SOMA ZAIDI: Mustakabali wa Maridhiano na Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa Zanzibar
ACT-Wazalendo wanachopaswa kufanya, wakiwa ndani ya SUK na siyo nje, ni kupigania mageuzi zaidi ya mfumo huo, ikiwemo pendekezo ambalo wadau wengi wamekuwa wakitoa la kuupeleka muundo wa SUK kwenye ngazi zingine za Serikali badala ya kuishia kwenye ngazi ya Baraza la Mawaziri.
ACT-Wazalendo wapiganie mabadiliko ya kikatiba na kisheria, wakiwa ndani ya SUK, kuhakikisha kwamba mgawanyo wa madaraka unakwenda pia kwenye ngazi za wakuu wa mikoa na wilaya mpaka kwenye ngazi za masheha na ngazi zingine zozote zitakazoamuliwa.
Bila shaka, sehemu muhimu ya harakati hizi inaweza kuwa ni kuibua maswali endapo kama tunahitaji uwepo wa hizi nafasi au zifutwe na wananchi wachague wawakilishi wao kwenye nafasi hizo za kiutawala. Kwa nini, kwa mfano, turuhusu wakuu wa mikoa kuteua masheha, watu wenye nguvu sana juu ya Wazanzibari, badala ya watu hao kuchaguliwa na wananchi wenyewe?
SOMA ZAIDI: Wanasiasa, Wanaharakati Wataka Masheha Wapigiwe Kura Zanzibar
Yapo mengi ya kurekebisha kwenye mfumo mzima wa kisiasa na kiutawala Zanzibar, lakini ni kujidanganya kwamba njia pekee na bora ya kuchochea mageuzi yanayohitajika visiwani humo ni kwa ACT-Wazalendo kutoka kwenye Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa.
Kufanya hivyo ni kujipiga risasi za miguu na kudhani kwamba bado utakuwa na uwezo wa kukimbia. Ni kujidanganya.
Khalifa Said ni mwandishi na mhariri wa The Chanzo. Unaweza kumpata kupitia au X kama @ThatBoyKhalifax. Haya ni maoni binafsi ya mwandishi na si lazima yaakisi mtazamo wa The Chanzo. Ungependa kuchapisha katika safu hii? Wasiliana na wahariri wetu kupitia kwa ufafanuzi zaidi.
3 responses
Hakuna mshindi wala mshindani kwemye SUK, ispokua wananchi wenyewe (wazanzibar) hivyo kama SUK haiakisi matakwa ya wananchi yanini kuwepo? Chama cha ACT WAZALENDO kipo kwenye SUKU sio kwa maslakhi ya chama wala viongozi wake bali kwa matakwa ya wananchi. Hivyo kujitoa wala kuwepo hakuna faida binafsi kwa ACT WAZALENDO.
Hakuna mshindi wala mshindani kwemye SUK, ispokua wananchi wenyewe (wazanzibar) hivyo kama SUK haiakisi matakwa ya wananchi yanini kuwepo? Chama cha ACT WAZALENDO kipo kwenye SUKU sio kwa maslakhi ya chama wala viongozi wake bali kwa matakwa ya wananchi. Hivyo kujitoa wala kuwepo hakuna faida binafsi kwa ACT WAZALENDO.
Walio ituma ACT Wazalendo kuingia kwenye SUKI wanasema hawaoni manufaa yake.
Tell us the truth about Zenj’s matambuano
News that what’s drummed as a success story of peace and reconciliation in Zenj was enhanced by pressure from EU stuns.
It came to light that EU warned our helmsmen and their adversaries in Zenj that shall next elections be mired by killings or something near; they’ll be dispatched to The Hague to be ground by Luis Moreno Ocampo. When Ocampo roars big men look like a church mouse.
I must say it. Currently, Ocampo’s name causes grumblings in some African countries especially those ruled by blood dripping hands like Sudan and partly Kenya .
I thus humbly thank and commend EU for solving the puzzle that failed Commonwealth in Zenj. Because since they stepped in Zanzibar is doing remarkably well.
I must avow. I goofed thinking two protagonists were behind this historic hit! To the contrary though, it turned out, they’re forced. News homing in on the whole thing says that. This means. All chest-beating and pizazz is chimera next to hypocrisy! Karume and Maalim do not deserve any credit. This is why they did not want to disclose what they tallied upon till when this daunting truth came forth.
They told us they recognized their mistakes, a lie. And now they’re putting Zanzibar ’s interest ahead of personal ones! But why late like this they mean serious business? This does not wash with truth. If this holds water, why did they come up with something whose enforceability is by breaking, and tampering with, the constitution?
If the truth is: EU brokered understanding in Zanzibar then what are all those braggadocios and noises for? We’ve been hearing people praising each other where they’re supposed to do so to EU. I still vividly remember words like “this time we zenjs won’t turn back and nobody will stop us” kidudu mtu, wabara, chogo and what not.
Yeah. Zenjs and Tanganyikans need peace. But why should the credit go to Maalim Seif and Daktari Karume whilst the actual mover is EU? And the aura and fame the duo has been enjoying is not theirs. One thing is great. Shall this be exerted to all bloodletting countries, indeed, deaths and destruction will be averted.
Who wants to end up in the can like Charles Taylor and Slobodan Milosevic? This being the case why then should we give kudos to those supposed to be villains? Is it the reason why the motive behind, and what was agreed, in Zenj’s understanding was kept a top secret?
Karume reckoning how gruesome it was for him to ascend to power, he won’t badge even a minute to allow this window to close. Even Maalim knows this fully well. That’s why he wanted to toss him bait.
I was wondering to hear that -those questioning the lightening speed in which the deal was reached-do not wish Zanzibar well! Who really wish Zanzibar well between Thomases and those that, for long, ignored to use their common sense -to do a right thing?
Was the motive of peace and prosperity of Zanzibar conceived by the duo or the fear to be submitted to The Hague ? I now know why President Jakaya Kikwete was left out of the big picture. Though politicians can not be trust, I used to wonder how could erstwhile enemies like the duo would sit and dine together thanks to the verbal understanding where doyens failed!
By the same token, I know why Karume did not to accept the offer by Maalim to prorogue his term. Such proposals were as good as being given a rope to hang himself. Who wants to sit on powder keg after getting a leeway to survive?
But again, this is a challenge to African mumbo jumbos. Even sitting together and talk sense colonial masters should chip in to enhance this! How long are we going to be breastfed this way? What annoys is thankless behaviuor of scoring where you did not labour.
Help me. When will Africa come of age and shun this come-white-saviour malady? I feel small (sic) to find that all fanfares with regards to comedy known as maridhiano have coercion behind it. This reminds me baby’s behaviour. Moreso, a baby wets the bed then starts tantrums blaming everybody as if he or she is the one that messed her bed!
Look at the baby after being cleaned. He is chirping and everything becomes history. Let me make a note on this. Shall Zenj’s peace prevail, our rulers that have been behaving like the baby in point should not make bygone.
The point is. Even our union has a lot of puzzles that, for long, have been ignored by supremos. Is it time for EU to force them to use their brains instead of puerile phillipics? Methinks. It is. To not force them to tackle union enigma, is as good as treating one eye and leave another one with infection that will quickly rejuvenate and attack the other you’ve treated.
At this note, it sounds good to invite EU and other who’s who of this world to force our naive rulers to fight and stop graft. If anything, if there is anything threatening the fabrics of many nations is nothing but graft. This crime against humanity allows a privileged few to bulldoze and rob the majority. It causes milliard miseries to milliards of people in Africa.
Transparency and truth are needed in this matter. But as usual, politicians promise openness and give opaqueness. Without truth coming out from the protagonists themselves all they are pretending to stand for will vanish in thin air soon. And the thawing of their relation won’t live longer.
No story ever really ends. Zanzibar ’s maridhiano begs more questions than answers. The story is still a baby. Tell us the truth before you tell us what to do and achieve.
Source: ThisDAY.