The Chanzo is hosting Digital Freedom and Innovation Day on April 20, 2024. Register Here

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A Game Plan For CCM’s Future?

CCM’s new game plan seems to be fighting the demons of its past, organizing for now and preparing for a challenging future.

Nini Kimesababisha Mgogoro wa Urusi na Ukraine?

Wengi wanaamini mlango wa mazungumzo unaweza ukafunguka tena. Hatua ya hivi karibuni ya nchi za ulaya na marekani kuzuia benki za Urusi kutumia mfumo wa kibenki wa swifti pamoja na NATO kuongeza majeshi karibu na mipaka ya Urusi inaweka shinikizo zaidi kwa Urusi kurudi kwenye mazungumzo.

How Turkey is Building its Influence in Tanzania

Rising Turkey’s influence and also interest in Tanzania means aside from Europe, US and China, there is an emerging player that Tanzania can also benefit from in terms of investments, finances, technology, and access to the market. But all of this depends on our ability to negotiate and learn to see opportunities.