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Tag: op-ed

Why Intimate Partner Violence Is Not a Family Issue

Out of the 87,000 women and girls who were killed globally in 2017, more than a third died at the hands of their current or former boyfriend or husband. This is not a family issue. It is a public health crisis.

Aid or No Aid- Africa’s Dilemma

Africa cannot continue to externalise the sources of its failure. That is the thin end of the wedge, the end of the world as we know it.

Tafakuri Fupi Kuhusu Filamu ya Tanzania: The Royal Tour

Filamu ya Tanzania: The Royal Tour inaelekea kufanikiwa katika hatua hii ya pili baada ya uzalishaji. Lakini siku za usoni tusifanikiwe kwa kubahatisha. Ni muhimu kwa vyombo vyetu, hasa vile vya sanaa, kuwa na mipango mikakati ya kukuza sanaa Tanzania.
