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Tag: politics

Mwaka Mmoja Bila Magufuli: Alipotuacha Na Anapotupeleka Rais Samia

Katika makala hii, Mbunge wa Ubungo (CCM) Profesa Kitila Mkumbo anarejea mchango wa Rais Magufuli katika ujenzi wa Tanzania kwa kuainisha pale Magufuli alipoikuta Tanzania na alipoiacha wakati anafariki, na hivyo kujenga msingi wa kuelewa Tanzania inapoelekea chini ya uongozi wa Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Why Civic Space in Tanzania Requires Some Panel-beating

Tanzania should initiate a bill for the enactment of a Freedom of Association Law that would repeal and replace the NGOs Act No. 24 of 2002 and govern the free operations of voluntary organizations, groups, entities and activities.

Reconciliation Is a Process, Not an Event

Should Tanzania fail to honour its commitments to reforms, and choose to shelve the recommendations made during the Dodoma meeting instead of implementing them, the government should be blamed not on those who chose to participate in the dialogue.
