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Tag: op-ed

Mbivu, Mbichi Bajeti ya Tanzania 2022/2023

Je, tunapaswa kufanya kitu gani kama taifa kuweza kuongeza wigo wa makusanyo ya kodi nchini pasipo kuleta athari za kijinsia kwa makundi mbalimbali, wakiwemo wanawake na watoto?

BOOK REVIEW: A Life of a Revolutionary Loyalist

Khamis Abdallah Ameir’s Maisha Yangu is a riveting account of a life that had gone through many vicissitudes but which will remain defined by its participation in the Zanzibar revolution.

Samia Should Not Allow This Blot to Taint Her Legacy

Samia would benefit more by embracing people who oppose her plans to evict the Maasai people from Ngorongoro. Instead of isolating them, she needs to keep them closer and learn why they take such a position on the issue.
