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Category: News

The Chanzo Morning Briefing Tanzania News – March 27,2024

In our briefing today: Tanzania adds Boeing 737-9 Max to its fleet as US investigates the plane’s safety;

Media fraternity mourns two journalists who died in a road accident;

Announcement of new subject combinations raises many unanswered questions

The Chanzo Morning Briefing Tanzania News – March 26,2024

In our briefing today: M-mama expands nationwide, linked to emergency health line 115; Nchimbi on Zanzibar GNU debate: ‘CCM cannot abdicate its responsibility’;CCT concerned over the government’s push to register faith-based social services initiatives as NGOs

The Chanzo Morning Briefing Tanzania News – March 22,2024

In our briefing today: Tanzania inches closer to becoming Africa’s critical minerals hub with new refinery license to Lifezone Metals; Tanzania plans high-resolution survey to 30 percent of it’s land to boost mining ; Foregrounding human dignity is key to protecting indigenous peoples’ rights in protected areas;

The Chanzo Morning Briefing Tanzania News – March 21, 2024

In our briefing today: Zanzibar invites investment bids for its offshore oil and gas blocks ; ACT Wazalendo accuses foul play in Kigoma by-election: Members and leaders arrested amid controversy; Police accused of the murder of a tour guide operator in Arusha